Click Here, For an updated AliExpress 11.11 Singles Day Sales Recomendation and updated Discount.
AliExpress singles sales are starting, and as usual, it is the sales event I was waiting for. I had a lot of knives on my wishlist but unfortunately, not all of the knives were part of the 11.11 Singles Sales day on AliExpress.
One of the knives I can recommend is the following knife:
, the full review of this knife can be read here.

The other knives I have added to my cart are the following:
The Xinzuo Santoku with Powdered Steel From The Xinzuo Lan Series (14Cr14MovNb)

Why did I choose the Xinzuo Lan Series?
Xinzuo is one of the brands I have tested multiple times, they are one of the select few that could deliver consistent quality across their knife series. However, their design choices are sometimes questionable. The main reason for choosing the Santoku Lan Series from Xinzou is mainly due to the powdered steel that I want to test, I’m however worried about the handle comfort.
The second knife on my list
The Second knife is a Kyokuto Santoku with 10Cr15CoMoV Steel (From Dongsun)

I only have tested one knife from Dongsun, so I can’t say much about their entire knife series. But this Kyokuto caught my attention. It looks like a Miyabi Artisan Knife with a mix of Kai Shun Premier. And hopefully, the anatomy of the knife and handle comfort and balance point are good.
The hidden Gem?
Xinzuo Santoku with a Wa-Handle (10Cr15CoMoV).
For just around $53 it is worth a try (excluding the $5 off for every $30 spent). A review of all the knives will follow once I receive my knives.
What makes the 11.11 sales event on AliExpress special?
Keep in mind that what makes this 11.11 sales special, is that with every $30 you spend you get extra 5 dollars off (only at the start of the 11.11 Sales Launch Day now it is $3 off every 30 spend up to $15 max per order) if available don’t forget to add the store coupons during checkout and wait till the event starts before finalizing your order.

Just ordered all 3 knives, I’m from Europe so it is in Euro, and since I’m from the Netherlands the price includes the 21% sales tax.

Just found some extra discount codes that can be applied on the 11.11 sales week and depending on what country you are from (can only be used once per account):
[11.11 Sale Codes]: *Available for countries EXCEPT for shipping to RU, UZ, AM, KZ, TJ, BY, MD, AZ, TM, KG, GE, ES, FR, BR, KR, US, SA, BH, KW, OM, QA, AE
Value: US $3 | Minimum spend: $40 with Code Name: 11DSale3
Value: US $7 | Minimum spend: $80 with Code Name: 11DSale7
Value: US $12 | Minimum spend: $120 with Code Name: 11DSale12
Value: US $17 | Minimum spend: $170 with Code Name: 11DSale17
Value: US $23 | Minimum spend: $230 with Code Name: 11DSale23
Valid during Nov 1st to Nov 12th, 2022 PST
[US Code]:
Value $7, minimum spend: $50 with Code Name: 1111US7
Value $15, minimum spend: $100 with Code Name: 1111US15
Value $30, minimum spend: $200 with Code Name: 1111US30
Valid during Nov 1st to Nov 12th, 2022 PST
Copy and paste the codes during checkout.
▶ If you want to know what knife you should buy you can read the following article ''Choosing your knife''. ▶ On my youtube channel, I have reviewed a lot of different knives. You can watch the playlist by clicking here. ▶ Click here, if you want to search for other kitchen knives on: Amazon. ▶ , if you want to search for other Chinese knives on . ▶ Check out my gear on Kit: https://kit.co/ChefPanko ▶ Check out my recommendation on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/chefpanko Full Disclosure: If you purchase from these links I get a small commission that goes towards supporting the channel and website. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases ▶ If you have any questions about Japanese knives made in China or about some of the brands feel free to ask it in the comment section below. Thank you for your support and feedback. ▶ Want to work with me? Please use the contact form by clicking here.
Hi Chef Panko, can you review the 3 knives you have bought in Nov 2022?
Hi, I received all 3 knives and have tested them, due to some personal reasons I had to stop uploading to sort things out.
That being said I will be uploading it soon as I try to figure out a new review format since the current review format has become a bit boring.
A lot of details in the current review format which I want to change to make things easier for those that have less knife knowledge.
I will probably add the details in the description for those that want to know every mm of the knife specs.
I will upload a knife review video of a Grandsharp knife that is way overdue as it was supposed to be uploaded in December 2022.
After that, I will finish the 3 knife reviews in this article.
Which one would you like to see first out of the 3? (since I have tested them already I can push one of the 3 for an earlier upload just let me know and I will try my best to upload that one first).
Hi, what about making Xinzuo Lan Series first? I would really appreciate it as it is my main contender to buy but would like to hear your review first! Oh, and you’re doing wonderful job, keep it mate!
Will try my best to push that review first after finishing the Grandsharp one.
To my surprise, Xinzuo/Hezhen contacted me and I managed to get some review samples of the newest series which should arrive shortly.
(very surprised that they agreed to send them all over normally the brands want to test the waters with me by sending me one knife first, but it helps that I tried their brand multiple times already and they genuinely wanted feedback and were confident about their product range and QC).
So there are more series coming soon:
Xinzuo series:
Feng Series with imported Japanese SRS13 Steel (Chef’s knife and Nakiri)
Lan Series Santoku (10cr15comov as I requested to compare it to the 14CrV3MoNb Powdered version in this article)
F2 Series Nakiri (10cr15comov but a Damascus layer with acid bath treatment)
PM8 Series (Tall Nakiri)
Hezhen Series:
Master Series Chef’s knife (imported Sandvik 14C28N steel)
Elegant Series Santoku white and wood color version + a Cleaver (14CrV3MoNb Powdered steel)
ZHEN Series Chef’s knife (ZDP189 steel imported and heat treated in Japan)
F2 Series Chef knife (coreless 110 layers Damascus Steel)
Items are out of stock but they will try to get them to me once they have them back in stock:
Sashimi knife F3 Series Yanagiba 270mm 110 layers Damascus coreless
F4 Series Nakiri knife (Imported M390 Powdered Steel)
So will be waiting for them to arrive now.
A quick follow-up I have to review the Dongsun one first since there was a delay in the shipment of the new Xinzuo series. As I wanted to include both Santoku Lan versions with 10cr15comov and 14CrV3MoNb versions in one video since they are basically identical with a small change in the core material and handle material.
The good news is that all the new series finally arrived. Lan series will be done first out of that list above.
Hope that clears up some confusion when you see the Dongsun review appearing first.
Hello! Did you tested the Kyokuto Santoku from dogsun Store? I’m looking for to buy the 8 inch Kengata from the same collection.
Currently still testing some knives, while I did not test the Kyokuto from Dongsun. I did receive the knife here very quickly after my order. I can only give you my first impression but I did not use them yet. It looks good the only noticeable thing is the handle.
Not only the Kyokoto but also the Xinzuo powdered steel, the handle on them feel so massive, huge, big even for my large hand size.
So I need time to determine if I will like the handle over time or not. Currently based on just the first hands-on without using them I don’t really like the handle comfort they are overly large, huge, and massive. Really not sure why they both have that kind of handle for a relatively small blade size.
A review for them will follow shortly as I’m getting back after a break (during the holidays and New Year) in reviewing new knives.
Stay tuned and I wish you a Happy new year!
Thank you and happy new year!
I’ve purchased two other Xinzuo kitchen knives from the same series as the santoku you describe with the wa handle: a 6″ petty knife and a 6.5″ wide nakiri. Both of them have nearly perfect f&f, performance is very similar to Japanese damascus knives I have with vg-10 steel–and I love the feel of the handle.
Thanks for sharing your experience, Ray.